Saturday, December 11, 2010

Faster Than Rachel Ray... And Without All Of Those Annoying Hand Gestures

I don't eat out. No, really. I could probably count the number of times I have eaten a meal in or from a restaurant this year on one hand. Why? Well, two reasons:
#1- I'm broke!
#2- I like to know what goes into my food.
But, these days, it seems like everyone I know eats out several times a week. My roommate, for example, hasn't cooked a meal in months; he subsists off of nothing but Arby's and Monster energy drinks. What is his excuse for living of off fast food? He doesn't have time to cook. In fact, this is what most people tell me.
But, I'm a busy guy, too. Most of the time, I have ten or fifteen minutes to cook, eat, and clean-up. What's more, I eat between four and five meals a day. So how do I do it? Simple, I plan. Now, that isn't to say that I decide, in advance, exactly what I will be eating, but it does mean that I make sure to have plenty of quick, easy, healthy meal options available.
Now, I'm not exactly reinventing the wheel here, but I think that sometimes we acclimate ourselves to routines and we will justify them at all costs (even if they are unhealthy). I just hope that someone who reads this will see this as a reminder to take control of their his or her own health (and wallet). I mean, think about it, you will know: exactly how your food is prepared, the cost of each meal, and the nutritional value of everything you eat. And guess what? It's quicker than the drive-thru!
I plan on writing a how-to (or rather, a how-to-think) on preparing quick, easy, healthy meals before the end of the year. It will be less of a step-by-step guide, and more of an insight into my mindset. Below are some examples of meals that took me five minutes to prepare (yes, I timed myself).

Chicken with a balsamic reduction, sage, brussel sprouts, spinach and mushrooms 
Chicken with brown rice, brussel sprouts, carrots, and french beans

Omelette with mushrooms, corn, onions, and cilantro. Oh, and a Fuji!

Monday, October 4, 2010

If life gives you cornbread, make French toast

Most Sunday nights, these days, I eat dinner at my parents' house. The benefits are two-fold; I get a free meal and they usually send me home with items from their refrigerator that either, they are not going to eat or about to spoil (or have spoiled). This past weekend, my mother made fat free cornbread, a lot of it. My dad has an aversion to it, for some reason (I think any attempt at making southern food 'healthy', makes his brain explode) and my mom, just plain wasn't going to eat a pound of cornbread. So, they dumped it on me. I tried a million ways to vary it, slightly, and this one turned out the best. So, in celebration of Auburn's 52-3 victory over LaMonroe, this weekend, I give you:
War Eagle French Cornbread
1/4 cup Egg Beaters
2 tablespoons skim milk
2 tablespoons OJ
A couple dashes of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
Top with syrup, orange slices, and cinnamon
(adapted from the War Eagle Mill website:

If you find yourself with some leftover cornbread, you should give this one a try. Cam suggests you wash it all down with some 'JUICE!'.